Zoggs News

  1. Pro Swimming UK
    Pro Swimming UK

    Pro Swimming UK

    Is it time to head back to the pool?

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  2. The OSS Couch To 5k Launch
    The OSS Couch To 5k Launch

    The OSS Couch To 5k Launch

    Love swimming? Join OSS to shake off lockdown and winter, get fit and swimming. This is a three month programme designed to get you fit for a summer of swimming. It starts on dryland on the spring equinox (March 26), moves into the water on May 1st, and finishes on the summer solstice (June 21): your goal.  You can join in at any time but why not start with us?

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  3. Zoggs Pull Buoy Training Tips

    Zoggs Pull Buoy Training Tips

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  4. Pool Fun & Games
    Pool Fun & Games

    Pool Fun & Games

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  5. The essential guide to swimwear back styles.
    The essential guide to swimwear back styles.

    The essential guide to swimwear back styles.

    There are so many swimsuit styles available, but what's really the difference between them? Well, here's the essential guide to finding the best back style for you. Whether you're a lane swimmer, pool-side lounger, or an open water adventurer, we want you to feel completely comfortable so you can concentrate on what's important. Enjoying the water!

    Although we have a whole range of differing back styles, they can all be placed in to one of two categories; those that are designed to allow freedom of movement and security, and those that are designed to support you.

    Generally, those designed with movement in mind are often used by

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    This Christmas, Zoggs is donating 500 pairs of goggles to children with disabilities. We are supporting the national swimming charity Level Water who arrange 20,000 one-to-one swimming lessons each year for children with disabilities. As some children around the country return to their lessons, we hope these goggles will make the return to the pool that little bit more fun and exciting for Level Water’s swimmers.

    The charity is encouraging children to use their goggles in the bath over Christmas, to practice blowing bubbles and get used to the water again, before their lessons restart in the coming months.

    Level Water works at n

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  7. Tips to get you cold water swimming
    Tips to get you cold water swimming

    Tips to get you cold water swimming

    Getting started with cold water swimming - By Annie Brooks (www.talesofanniebean.com )

    If you love your pool swims and enjoy those open water swims, then this winter you might be ready to take on cold water swimming! Unlike hopping into to your local heated swimming pool to run through your drills, or dipping into that beautiful lake during the summer time, cold water swimming not only challenges physically, it tests you mentally also. Knowing you’re about to step into water that barely reaches double figures, can be a challenge, but this is exactly why it’s fantastic because that sense of

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  8. Zoggs - 10 Reasons to take up Open Water Swimming
    Open water swimmers

    Zoggs - 10 Reasons to take up Open Water Swimming

    Check out the newest top 10 reasons to take up OPEN WATER SWIMMING - Courtesy of Adam Walker

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  9. Catherine's Swimathon Story
    Catherine in front of the indoor pool

    Catherine's Swimathon Story

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  10. Adam 'Ocean' Walker Tips - Open Water Novice
    Adam 'Ocean' Walker Tips - Open Water Novice

    Adam 'Ocean' Walker Tips - Open Water Novice

    Where to swim

    There are many lakes up and down the country which have organised sessions and have suitable safety in place. I would recommend you swim in one these locations and as there will be other like-minded swimmers there who you can buddy up with and swim in pairs or a small group. In addition you can also make new friends as open water is a very social sport. Not only is it another good safety measure, it makes training easier supporting each other.


    Due to the climate, open water in lakes, rivers and the ocean

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