Diving back into training

Hello, fellow swimmers and triathletes!

Winter break is a wonderful time to relax and give your body and mind a break from structured training in your offseason. However, as the days grow longer and the weather warms, it's time to dust off your swim caps and wetsuits because training season is back! To help you ease back into the groove, we caught up with Dave, a seasoned open water swimmer and triathlete, to gather his top five tips for resuming training after a winter hiatus.. 


1. Start Slow and Set Realistic Goals

It's tempting to jump right back in where you left off, but your body might need a gentler reintroduction. Start with shorter distances and moderate intensities. Set achievable goals for the first few weeks to rebuild your endurance and confidence.

Remember, consistency is key!


2. Focus on Technique

Use this time to refine your swimming techniques. Consider taking a few lessons or working with a coach. Proper form not only improves your efficiency but also prevents injuries. A strong foundation will make your comeback even more successful.


3. Gradually Increase Intensity

Once you’ve reestablished your routine and your body feels accustomed to training again, begin to gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. Incorporate interval training to build speed and stamina.

Listen to your body; if you feel strained, don’t hesitate to scale it back a bit.


4. Stay Consistent, Stay Hydrated

Consistency is the bedrock of progress. Stick to your training schedule as closely as possible. Additionally, don’t underestimate the power of hydration. Proper hydration supports your body’s functions and aids recovery.

Always have a water bottle within reach during workouts, and remember to replenish lost electrolytes, especially in warmer weather.

5. Embrace Variety and Have Fun

Spice up your routine by incorporating various workouts. Try different swimming strokes, explore new swimming environments in the open water, or even venture into other forms of exercise like cycling or yoga. Variety not only keeps things exciting but also challenges different muscle groups, making you a more well-rounded athlete.

Most importantly, have fun! Training is much more enjoyable when you find activities you love.



Remember, getting back into the groove is a journey, not a race. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem. With dedication, a positive mindset, and Dave's expert advice, you'll be conquering open water and triathlon challenges with renewed vigour in no time.

Happy training, everyone! See you at the finish line!


Note: The advice given in this blog post is general in nature and might not be suitable for everyone. Before starting any new exercise program, it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider or a fitness professional, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or concerns.