Swim Improvers

  1. Perfect your swimming technique [videos]
    Perfect your swimming technique [videos]

    Perfect your swimming technique [videos]

    If you're looking to improve your swimming strokes and not yet at your peak, the technique videos on our YouTube channel will help you progress. All six feature James Goddard and have been included in this post so you can use it as a point of reference.

    James is an award winning British swimmer who represented Great Britain in the Olympics, FINA World Championships

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  2. Improve your health and wellbeing with swimming
    Improve your health and wellbeing with swimming

    Improve your health and wellbeing with swimming

    We mentioned swimming in our post about Mental Health Awareness Week, as it's a great way to improve well being. A report published by Swim England last year found Swimming to be particularly beneficial for those with health conditions. It also found evidence that swimmers can live longer. Here are just a few of the ways it can help stress levels and make you feel good.

    Swimming is a great form of escapism both physically and mentally. With no distractions, a half an hour swim can help reduce stress, boost energy levels and encourage relaxation. You may find you sleep

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  3. 5 common swimming hang ups and how to overcome them
    5 common swimming hang ups and how to overcome them

    5 common swimming hang ups and how to overcome them

    While some take to swimming like a duck to water, many can be apprehensive especially if starting to swim regularly. It's usual to have a few pool hang ups along the way but there are many solutions to overcome these. Here are our top tips to ensuring you feel great so you can really make the most of your swims.

    Feeling self conscious - It's usual to feel uncomfortable in your swimwear or compare yourself to others. Having a swimsuit that matches your body shape is an ideal way to feel great about yourself. The essential Sandon

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  4. Zoggs Swim Diaries: Swimming Butterfly (it's all about the flow, or so I'm told)
    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Swimming Butterfly (it's all about the flow, or so I'm told)

    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Swimming Butterfly (it's all about the flow, or so I'm told)

    What makes Joc #SwimHappy? The friendships, the conversations, escaping the kids and most of all the challenges! This week Joc shares how she challenged herself to conquer the ultimate stroke…Butterfly!

    Jocelyn after her swimming lessonI learnt to swim as an adult. Five years ago I tackled my fear of the water once and for all and started swimming lessons. Not easy, not even fun at times, but very very rewarding. I've found an exercise that is both relaxing, yet taxing; hard work yet n

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  5. Zoggs Swim Diaries: Progress so far...

    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Progress so far...

    Now I am quite a few months into my swimming lessons I felt it was a good time to sit down and reflect on my journey so far. There were a lot of ups and downs – but ultimately I feel that I am really getting there!

    Baby steps…

    My first hurdle was getting over my own mental block of actually getting into the water, overcoming my past experiences and fear of drowning. As an adult through talking with my instructor I came to the realisation that although my fear was reasonable, to and extent it was irrational! I swim in a pool where I can touch the bottom with my feet the whole way along, supported by a competitive swimming ins

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  6. 5 Fantastic Water Exercises for Seniors
    5 Fantastic Water Exercises for Seniors

    5 Fantastic Water Exercises for Seniors

    full swimsuits for ladies

    Swimming is widely accepted as a great form of exercise for people of any age, but it has distinct benefits for older adults and with National Senior Health and Fitness Day coming up on 25th May, we decided to put some tips together to help you get the most out of every trip to the pool.
    Here are 5 different low impact ways that you can exercise in the water:   

    Supported Movement

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  7. Zoggs Technique Tips: Perfecting your Backstroke
    Zoggs Technique Tips: Perfecting your Backstroke

    Zoggs Technique Tips: Perfecting your Backstroke

    On holiday, backstroke gives you the opportunity to enjoy blue skies or even stars overhead, and in a pool, the chance to vary your workout. But the stroke is not without its difficulties, not least because the majority of us are asymmetric, making even swimming in a straight line somewhat challenging!

    The following technique tips for perfecting your backstroke will help you learn how to master the stroke and enjoy your swims, anywhere:

    zoggs technique backstroke

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  8. Technique Tips: How to Use Training Fins
    putting on fins

    Technique Tips: How to Use Training Fins

    At Zoggs, we’re passionate about all things swimming and that’s why we produce a range of swimwear, swimming aids and equipment that’s designed to help you make the very most of your swim time.

    Some of the most popular swimming aids we provide are training fins and if you haven’t tried them yet, here’s a brief guide to how they work and what the benefits are:

    What are swimm

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  9. Zoggs Swim Diaries: Beginners Butterfly
    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Beginners Butterfly

    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Beginners Butterfly

    Butterfly Zoggs Swim DiaryWe had an exhausting but exhilarating swimming class this week learning butterfly. It’s not a stroke we touch upon too frequently, and ordinarily it’s just a small element of a class, but this week, it was all about the fly. At the beginning of the class I was a little bit nervous, but excited too. It’s one of those strokes that is scary but fun at the same time. When done correctly it looks amazing, almost like the swimmer is flying through the water, probably where it got its name!

    The class was very tiring, butterfly is an aerobic stroke and also not one that we were used to swimming, so it did feel like a harder class than usual. We di

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  10. Zoggs Swim Diaries: Learning Survival Skills
    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Learning Survival Skills

    Zoggs Swim Diaries: Learning Survival Skills

    This week is Drowning Prevention Week 2015; at swimming pools across the country, lessons this week are focusing on survival skills. So, I rocked up at my swimming lesson yesterday in some fairly thick joggers (I was feeling pretty brave) and a t-shirt over my swimming costume.

    We leapt straight into learning how to enter the water without getting your head wet or sinking too deep – ideal if you have to enter water for any reason but can’t see what’s lurking below the surface – think shopping trolleys, sharp m

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