Zoggs Swim Diaries: A solo swim to France? No, it’s a huge team effort!

Zoggs Swim Diaries: A solo swim to France? No, it’s a huge team effort!

The time is almost here! As Deborah waits for her channel swim to arrive she shares how she is feeling...

As I sit here in the middle of the night, wide awake with a mixture of excitement, trepidation and some nerves that are coming and going, mainly from not knowing when I’m going to swim, rather than the swim itself, I’m reflecting on so many things. The main thing that springs to mind is the phrase ‘a solo swim’, when in fact it is far from that. The amount of people who have helped me reach this point would read like an Oscars speech, so I will try not to do a Gwyneth Paltrow, but I would like to thank a few people:


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